Monday 11 April 2011

Tripping the Light Fantastic

Apologies for the lateness of the blog. (Monday 20.00) Had a rather fraught week. Still, better late.......  as they say, 

A lovely day, good attendance - 24 present.
The day´s theme was : " Fandango, The Last Dance or I Was Waltzing."

Four people took up the theme.

Ann Grierson´s amusing piece was entitled: " What is a Fandango?"

Heather wrote a poem on waltzing, when she was " losing her marbles as well as her dinner"!

Phil wrote a clever, hilarious poem describing a formal dinner where the men drink a great deal -
it is " a dangerous time, mixing testosterone and wine".

Geoff´s piece, "First Dance" was about a novice writer with viewpoint problems at a "grab a granny" night for the over 25s. Brilliant!

Anne B`s poem " May I Have This Dance?" described someone hoping for more from the dance than a mere turn around the floor.

The other members came up with different themes. Both Stan and Jane had poems on the theme of spring. Congrats to Stan on his first attempt at a poem! Jane´s was , as usual, up to her high standard.

Nan and Brenda continued with their novels. Brenda´s a very good description of a squalid abortionist and her room where the heroine decides not to go ahead with the abortion. Nan had written a synopsis, which led to a great deal of discussion and the conclusion that writing synopses was as hard as producing the actual novel.

Douglas came up with a funny piece on quips, sayings and chat-up lines.

Alan Winter, having decided that short story writing is not his metier, has launched into Spanish History, beginning with the Peninsular War. General opinion was that it was very interesting and there could well be an ex-pat market for "dip into" history.

John McGregor regaled us with another of his Open University pieces, this time a Life Writing extract which is his final OU work to be marked. Very good, it was deemed. Good Luck, John!

Avril read a sensuous poem about a love affair between a woman and the sea.

Chris J had a description of things Swedish at the early spring/Easter period.

Heinke had a description of a blue-tiled house in La Mata.

We actually got round everyone who had written! Yippeee! Well shepherded, Ian!!


My First Pay Packet or I Passed

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